Goodwin Theory
Goodwin's theory of music videos is one that suggests music videos and the elements of it can directly reflect the lyrics of the song. This theory has 6 key points.
1 - Connection between the lyrics and the visuals. Themes, mise-en-scene and events of the video match with lyrics of the song which help to portray the message of the song.
2 - Relationship between the music and the visuals. The cuts and edits of the video are in sync with the rhythm and beat of the song matching cuts or effects to specific drum beats or notes which create synesthesia.
3 - Music videos have genre characteristics. Certain features are expected out of a video depending on the genre of the music. For example, a hip hop video might be expected to portray elements of excessive wealth or sexually objectifying women, whilst a pop video may feature bright colours, overzealous performances and quick cut editing.
4 - Often due to the demands of the record label, artists videos will include many close ups of the artist and will often develop motifs that recur across multiple videos. This allows the record label to promote a set image of the artist which will help target audiences empathise with and recognise the artist.
5 - Emphasis on 'looking' - The 'male gaze' is often used to attract a male audience. The male gaze is a focus on presenting things that appeal to men. This often means a voyeuristic view of, and an objectification, of women. The emphasis on looking also includes the artist looking directly into the camera helping the audience connect with the artist.
6 - Intertexual references. - Music videos reference other forms of media e.g. film, television, fashion, art etc.
The lyric video for Childish Gambino's "3005" include several of the key elements of Goodwin's theory. Firstly, the connection between the lyrics and visuals. This is a clever connection as the lyrics of the song sound like a conversation between a girl and a boy which is why the lyrics are presented in the form of a chatroom conversation as if Gambino was just having a conversation rather the performing a song. The second key feature is the use of voyeurism. Firstly, the female on screen is willingly exposing herself in a sexual manner but in the context of the video, is for only Gambino to see, so us as the audience are watching something that is not meant for us to see. The third key feature is the reference to the internet. Gambino use of a chatroom is a nod to modern day communication which means most of the audience can relate to the video. The chatroom is also a reference to Childish Gambino's album "Because the Internet" which features the song.
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